Our Expertise

We are workplace learning experts who work with organizational leaders to accelerate job competence™ for increased performance, productivity, and profits!

Learnware Design corporate logo

Learnware Design Inc.  

Founded in 1982, Learnware Design Inc. is a Canadian-owned learning design and consulting firm providing clients with custom-designed and fully documented learning systems and solutions that positively impact bottom-line results.  We partner with organizations to determine their human performance learning needs and then custom-design and implement learning solutions, using a wide variety of learning media and methods. We have particular expertise in well researched, creatively custom-designed and expertly executed learning design. 

Our blended learning design strategies included technology-based (e-learning) resources and media.  We have the experience and experience to take complex facts, concepts, process and procedures and make them easy for others to learn and expertly apply.

All Types of Learning Design (New / Updated Knowledge and Skills)

  • Competency Specific:  sales, product knowledge, leadership, management, customer service, computer systems and applications
  • Workforce Learning Challenges: orientation and onboarding, organizational change (upskilling / reskilling), transfer / promotion, academic-focused studies, professional designation achievement 
  • Custom Learning Design Services:  custom job-specific training initiatives (all types of jobs)

WEBSITE:  https://learnwaredesign.com 

EMAIL:  [email protected] 


Learnware™ is the products and programs division of Learnware Design Inc., offering accelerated competence™ online programs, products, tools and resources.

Today's workplace environments are complex, content-heavy, ever-changing, and continuously evolving.  The ability to learn faster, smarter, and better is a major competitive advantage. 

Your employees' learning competencies (skills and strategies) can be updated and enhanced, using a proven learning process, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). Employees who have the learning ability and agility to continuously upskill and reskill thrive in the workplace no matter what new knowledge and skills are needed.

Learnware™ products and programs support accelerated competence™ and organizational success! 

WEBSITE:  https://www.learnware.com

EMAIL:  [email protected] 

Valerie Dixon, BA, M.Ed., CTDP

President and Chief Learnware Architect, Learnware Design Inc.

Valerie is a leading learning efficiency strategist, thought leader, and learning design and development expert in the field of workplace learning and performance. Valerie has over 40 years of experience in all aspects of performance needs analysis, learning organization strategy development and learning design. 

Since 1982 her company, Learnware Design Inc., has been providing highly customized learning and development solutions to a wide variety of both public and private sector clients in the financial services sector (i.e., banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and wealth management organizations) as well as associations.

The client consulting projects encompassed the full spectrum of performance needs analysis, customized learning design and development (using a wide variety of learning media and learning design methods) and implementation.

She has in-depth expertise about learning competencies (skills and strategies) that maximize learning capacity and capability and accelerate job competence.  She knows how to help others gain, retain, recall and reuse new knowledge and skills faster, smarter and better. She believes that learning is a skill just like any other skill.

In 2010 she launched Learnware™ the products and programs division of Learnware Design Inc.  

Valerie is the creator and designer of Learnware™  programs, products, tools and resources.Â